venerdì 17 gennaio 2014

Tutor Dogs

The mechanism of "Tutor Dogs" was introduced in Italy through very careful, systematic observation of social relations between domestic and wild canids.

Claudio Mangini - one of the most important European movie animal trainer - created this particular mechanism in 1996 (described in detail in 1998) to support a dog on the road to recovery from intraspecific and interspecific aggression and social phobias (including deprivation toward different types of stimuli).

The mechanism was improved over the years to become one of the most effective therapy alternatives for “aggression” rehabilitation.

The mechanism is grounded in applied ethological principles and it is based on chemical communication among highly trained dogs, guided use of proxemics and press / release movements indicated by the Tutor Dogs trainer.

Over the years, this mechanism has proved particularly successful and it has solved hundreds of “borderline” cases  with a few working sessions.

Claudio Mangini - its creator - is currently working to raise awareness of this mechanism beyond the borders of Europe. 

Definition and goals 
"Tutor Dogs"

<<The tutor dog is a sociable dog able to teach and restore the correct behavioural patterns to a conspecific (called "patient dog") by moving according to the directions of the conductor. The conductor works following a precise program (called the "mechanism") that aims at the elicitation of endogenous in dog patients, mirroring in any form the © ERA training module.
The area of ​​interest of this mechanism - and therefore also of the tutor dogs – belongs to the fields of intraspecific and interspecific aggression and social phobia. Its goal is the significant change / improvement in mental representations of the patient dog resulting in a restoration of appropriate responses to  intraspecific and interspecific stimuli.>>

Water training and aggregating elements 
for the resolution of canine aggressiveness

Workshop Program

- Ethogram of the dog
- Dog's perceptual channels
- Dogs' olfaction
- “Backward chaining”
- Dog’s behavioural recovery (aggression, phobias)
- Elements of canine proxemics
- Elements of canine psychology
- Dog’s five areas and their use in the intraspecific and interspecific field
- Dog’s learning ability
- Dog reading tips –cold reading techniques used in the canine sector
- Elements of biology
- Elements of applied ethology
- Elements of neoteny
- Chemical communication in dogs
- Social statuses and their application to the Tutor Dogs mechanism
- Training a Tutor Dog
- Creation of the combination: “Tutor Dogs’ Canine Techniques Unit”
- Dog's motivations
- Cooperation between species
- Shared and shareable values
- Tutor Dogs: what they are and how they work
- Tests on patient dog
- Accreditation
- The posture: dog body language
- The concepts of "pressure" and "release"
- Work’s drive
- Trigger points and contextualizations
- Smell traces and effluvia
- The games of friendship, the shielding and gates (triangulation, cross)
- Driven restoration of correct behavioural response patterns in patient dog
- Water training and aggregating elements for the resolution of canine aggressiveness

- E.R.A.© gym and tools

For further information about workshop organization, events and illustrative material please write to this e-mail address: